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What are some good music trivia questions?

What are some good music trivia questions?

Trivia Question: What musician was deported from Japan in the 1980s for possession of marijuana? Trivia Question: Which famous music group was formerly known as the New Yardbirds? Trivia Question: What was Elvis Presley’s first hit in 1956?

Where was music born?

The first-ever written piece of music, presented in a cuneiform “alphabet”, was found in Syria and it probably dates back to 3400 years ago.

When was music invented?

The music of prehistoric cultures is first firmly dated to c. 40,000 BP of the Upper Paleolithic by evidence of bone flutes, though it remains unclear whether or not the actual origins lie in the earlier Middle Paleolithic period (300,000 to 50,000 BP).

What was the first music?

“Hurrian Hymn No. 6” is considered the world’s earliest melody, but the oldest musical composition to have survived in its entirety is a first century A.D. Greek tune known as the “Seikilos Epitaph.” The song was found engraved on an ancient marble column used to mark a woman’s gravesite in Turkey.

What are 10 interesting facts about music?

40 Facts About Music That Really Sing

  • Musicians Have Shorter Life Spans Than the General Population.
  • In 2016, Mozart Sold More CDs than Beyoncé
  • Singing in a Group Boosts Mood.
  • Some People Feel Nothing Toward Music.
  • Listening to Music Enhances Physical Performance.
  • Rod Stewart Hosted the Largest Ever Free Concert.

What do you know about music history?

Music has been around for as long as humans have. Do you think you know a lot about music history? Did you know that the earliest records of music are folk and tribal songs that have been passed down for generations? The first “instrument” was the human voice, but people have been using objects as percussion instruments for nearly as long.

Why are these music quiz questions so good?

These questions are kind of great because they truly test your knowledge of music and how you answer things. The whole point of these Music Quiz Questions was to make your practice and test your knowledge of music.

How many questions are on the general music quiz?

Enjoy today’s general music quiz with 37 music questions and answers. Scroll to the bottom for the free PDF versions to download at home. NEW QUIZ ALERT! If you want to test more of your music knowledge, try the:

Did you know the earliest records of music are folk and tribal songs?

Did you know that the earliest records of music are folk and tribal songs that have been passed down for generations? The first “instrument” was the human voice, but people have been using objects as percussion instruments for nearly as long. Did you know that the first known created instruments date back over 40,000 years?