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What did the troll say in Three Billy Goats Gruff?

What did the troll say in Three Billy Goats Gruff?

“Who’s that tripping over my bridge?” roared the troll. “Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gracious, and I’m going up to the hillside to eat,” he said, in a very small voice. “Well, I’m coming to gobble you up,” said the troll.

What is the name of the troll in Billy Goats Gruff?

The Troll (named Trevor in older tales) is the chief antagonist of the Three Billy Goats Gruff fairytale and was a monstrous troll whose greedy nature ultimately became his downfall, like many monsters in fairytales.

What did the Three Billy Goats Gruff see on the other side of the bridge?

So the greedy Troll decided to wait and Little Billy-Goat Gruff skipped over the bridge and began to eat the fresh green grass on the other side. The other goats saw Little Billy-Goat Gruff eating the fresh green grass and were jealous because they wanted some too.

What type of animal stopped the troll under the bridge?

male goats
The heroes of the tale are three male goats who need to outsmart a ravenous troll to cross the bridge to their feeding ground.

What is bridge troll?

The Bridge Troll is a type of land fae known for its giant size and craggy, rocky skin. Bridge Trolls first appear in Rosemary and Rue.

Who was the troll under the bridge?

The Fremont Troll is 28 years old, 18 feet tall, and lurks beneath the Aurora Bridge in Seattle. It was Steve Badanes ’65 who put it there.

Do Trolls live under a bridge?

Trolls, with their empathy toward stone, are naturally drawn to stone bridges, where they, for the most part, become a part of the bridge itself, supporting the structure and making it safe for those who cross it. A bridge will often have a resident troll tucked away under its arch, lending strength to the structure.

What is the problem in the Three Billy Goats Gruff?

Problem The three Billy Goats Gruff wanted to go to the meadow to eat. A mean troll would not let them cross the bridge to the meadow. The youngest Billy Goat Gruff says he’s small.

What do trolls do under the bridge?

How did the Billy Goat Gruff knock the troll off the bridge?

This billy goat Gruff calls the troll’s bluff: go on then, he dares him, eat me up. The troll leaps to devour the goat, and the billy goat knocks the troll off the bridge, using his horns.

Who is the troll in the three billy goats Gruffalo?

The Troll (named Trevor in older tales) is the chief antagonist of the Three Billy Goats Gruff fairytale and was a monstrous troll whose greedy nature ultimately became his downfall – like many monsters in fairytales.

How did the third billy goat get on the bridge?

The third billy goat gets on the bridge, but is also stopped by the hungry troll who threatens to devour him as well. However, the third billy goat challenges the troll and knocks him off the bridge with his horns. The troll falls into the stream and is carried away by the current.

Why did the troll let the second goat cross the bridge?

He, too, is stopped by the troll, who threatens to gobble him up. This second billy goat tells the troll that his brother, who is on his way, is even bigger than he is, so he should wait for him to cross and then he’ll be treated to a really big meal. The troll agrees, letting this second goat safely over the bridge.