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What is meant by the light curve of an eclipsing binary?

What is meant by the light curve of an eclipsing binary?

The light curve of an eclipsing binary—i.e., a plot of its changes in brightness over time—has a deep minimum when the brighter star is eclipsed and a shallower minimum when the dimmer star is eclipsed. The variable star Algol, or Beta Persei, was the first eclipsing binary to be recognized as such.

How are eclipsing binaries detected?

If a binary star happens to orbit in a plane along our line of sight, its components will eclipse and transit each other; these pairs are called eclipsing binaries, or, as they are detected by their changes in brightness during eclipses and transits, photometric binaries.

What is eclipsing binary in astronomy?

An eclipsing binary consists of two close stars moving in an orbit so placed in space in relation to Earth that the light of one can at times be hidden behind the other.

What means eclipsing?

A fall into obscurity or disuse; a decline: “A composer often goes into eclipse after his death and never regains popularity” (Time). b. A disgraceful or humiliating end; a downfall: Revelations of wrongdoing helped bring about the eclipse of the governor’s career.

How are eclipsing binary star systems formed?

Eclipsing binaries are two stars whose orbits are at an angle so that, from Earth, one passes in front of the other, causing an eclipse. This feature is based on the line of sight rather than any particular feature of the pair.

How are eclipsing binaries used to determine the size of stars?

Eclipsing binaries are used to determine indirectly the diameters of stars. These are two stars orbiting each other in a plane that is parallel to your line of sight so you see their orbits edge-on. This means that one star will periodically cover up the other star.

Why was the first eclipsing binary not discovered until the 18th century?

About half of stars come in pairs, or multiple star systems, yet the first eclipsing binary was not discovered until the eighteenth century. Why? This late discovery was due to non-availability of certain instruments in order to study the spectrum of the stars.

Which of these can be determined from an eclipsing binary system?

Knowing the radius of the stars we can determine their volumes and then their densities. Thus, studying a star’s spectrum and light curves of the eclipsing binaries we can determine its temperature, radius, luminosity, and for main sequence stars mass and densities.